Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Never forget the small joys of life...

Lessons Learned In Life...

As i mature i realize that i talk to myself more, i correct my own mistakes, i follow my own advice. Less people are around and that has allowed me to connect with myself. I've become one of my own best friend, i started competing with myself and simply trying to be better than the person i was yesterday.

Never Forget how far you've come. Everything you have gotten through. All the times you have pushed on even when you felt you couldn't. All the mornings you got out of bed no matter how hard it was. All the times you wanted to give up but you got through another day. Never forget how much strength you have learned and developed within yourself.

Everyday may not be good but there is something good in everyday. Sometimes we need to look from a different perspective towards life and the life makes you a different person.

It's a small try, may be it will change atleast one person :-

1Thank God for another day and live like it's your birthday. 

There is no single way to be assertive. You don't have to blow people's doors off with uber-assertive comments like: "I don't buy that" or "That will never work"—especially if it doesn't feel comfortable for you. Instead, choose words and phrases that feel natural, or natural enough. For example, you might show assertiveness through careful, deliberate questioning—as in: "That's interesting—can you tell me more about why you believe that?" Or "That's an interesting point, but what I've seen in the industry is..." The point is that you can be assertive, but on your own terms and in a way that works for you. 

2. Just be yourself and be confident in showing your true self.

Finally, one of the very best ways to command respect is to be a problem solver. So, do your homework, and come prepared with solutions to vexing problems that the group is struggling with. And make these solutions evidence-based—grounded in research you've done or analyses you've conducted. People respect good ideas and smart solutions and this can be a great way to show assertiveness in a way that plays to your strengths as a smart, strategic thinker.  

In the end, remember that assertiveness isn't just for people who love the sound of their voice. You can be assertive—and make a real, concrete, memorable impact on a group—without being a loud-mouthed jerk in the process.  

3. Stressful days are a part of life, try to catch little joys and laugh..

You want to speak up, stand out, get your voice heard, make good points at meetings, and build a positive reputation as a worthwhile contributor—and maybe even someone with leadership potential.  But you're a bit introverted, and unsure how to be assertive and outspoken in a way that doesn't make you cringe.  

So, how can you be noticed and speak your mind, without compromising who you are? 

4. Don't believe everything people say. Life is just one big show after-all.

There was a time when running a private practice in many professional fields meant you needed a license, a private office, a desk, several comfortable chairs, a locked filing cabinet, and a sign out front. And for some practitioners that’s still the way to go. But for many, the private practice industry has really become the entrepreneurial industry with lots of fascinating ways to explore the limits of practicing your profession. (If you’re a licensed professional in any field, be sure to check the ethical/legal guidelines before moving too afar in the online/marketing world. There are likely to be limitations on your scope of practice, advertising ability, etc.)

5. Forgive others but don't be a fool to trust them again.

It’s so easy to read what others are doing and get caught up in a comparison trap. The pressure from online marketing sites is intense. According to the marketing wizards, for instance, if you want to be a successful author, it’s not enough to have Twitter or Facebook (or whatever) accounts—you also have to have lots of followers. And I mean LOTS of followers. As in five- to six-figures of followers. And an email list. Maybe this knowledge inspires you to get online: it makes me feel like giving up. It just seems too public; too intrusive, and more interactive than I care to be. 

6. Kindness is a language that a deaf can hear and a blind can see.

If you’re a reader or researcher, you likely have lots of potential topics to write about. And you may even enjoy writing—a great advantage for online marketing. Content is king, as they say. This might actually be fun. Also, marketing is not always about being noisy and prolific. I notice that because I don’t speak up a lot at meetings, when I do, people pay attention. I think the same principle can apply to marketing. You don’t have to blog or send an email every day or even every week.  You may not need to be as prolific as everyone says. We have all signed up to get a free pdf only to be inundated with daily emails from the vendor. And then we unsubscribe. Even great blogs with valuable info can lead to reader fatigue if they arrive too often. Know your market and what your clients/readers expect or want. You might be pressuring yourself to produce a lot of content unnecessarily. 

7. Never upset on missed opportunities, life always have its ways.

Even when we enjoy ourselves, socializing drains us, especially if it’s with large groups or people we don’t know well. If we suddenly become recluses and hardly talk to anyone for a few hours or days, please don’t take it personally. It’s not that we dislike you, it’s just that solitude is a must for us to maintain our energy and sanity.

8. Sometimes just sometimes when people say 'forever' they mean it.

How do I feel when I finish reading the articles, blog posts, and pdf’s; listening to the podcasts; and watching video tutorials on marketing? Tired. Those of you who have read my other posts know that I’m big on “energy” as an indicator. If I feel my energy going up, I know I’m on the right track.  Energy going down, back away. EXCEPT- that’s not always a valid measure when my energy is influenced by my introversion and/or anxiety. When I read a little, I gain energy and excitement. Too much? I start to feel overwhelmed and my energy drops. But this doesn’t mean I should quit the idea of marketing. It means it’s time to stop temporarily and sort out what I have just learned. Yes, those posts of “75 Things You Should Do to Market Yourself” are a little daunting. But you need to remember that you don’t have to do all 75 things. Instead, if the article is valid, you can go through the list and just select two or three items to try.

Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably and never regret about anything that makes you smile.

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